Dave Lovemartin


Although a lot of my work is spent collaborating with awesome designers, here are a collection of projects where I took on the role of designer.

Call of the Brave

A mock up of the landing page for Call of the Brave. The logo is upfront and center with a prominent call-to-action

I built the platform for Call of the Brave iteratively. It started life as a simple static website that used a crowdfunding plug-in to collect pre-orders for t-shirt designs.

I used guerilla testing to get feedback on my designs. "Getting out of the building" enabled me to understand what people needed from the landing pages.

The logo was designed by a brand consultant and was also used for tags inside the t-shirts. I kept the dimensions of the tag for the logo on the homepage.

Later iterations of the site were built with Material Design UI components.

cxpartners microsite

A mockup of the cxpartners remote labs web pages, it has the value proposition: stay close to customers with our award winning low cost, managed user-research service

At the start of the pandemic in 2020, I was given a brief to create a microsite to promote cxpartners' new remote labs service. Using illustrations from our marketing materials, I designed and built a one-page site that showed off our new offer.

The site is still live: remotelabs.cxpartners.co.uk

Bristol Central Counselling

Screenshot of Jo's site with hero image with fonts matched to the theme and a simple layout.

Jo reached out to me after she had set up a Wordpress.com website for her new Counselling practice as she felt it "didn't look quite right".

On a limited budget and constrained by the limitations of the basic theme, I made a few tweaks and implemented what Jo hadn't been able to:

  • I improved the layout and removed unwanted Sidebar elements,
  • I recreated her banner image using Adobe Photoshop so the font families matched the theme,
  • I replaced the Wordpress footer with a call-to-action.

Recent work — invite

Helium baloons adrift in the sky as a background to a 40th birthday invitation

I still keep my hand in whenever possible. Last year, I designed an inivation for a low-key birthday celebration.

Recent work — JavaScript Glossary

a Figma design of a glossary website. it has a search bar in a side panel and a list of glossary terms to the right

This was a side-project I started to learn how to use Figma. I created components, variants and page layouts for a microsite for looking up definitions of JavaScript terms.

Figma components and their variants showing different states

Mobile version of design.

the mobile version has the search bar in the center below the logo and the scrollable terms below


Why not read my thoughts about UX and UI ?